Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Trees are teaching me Finance....

I spend a lot of time among the trees. It can be quite meditative.

Finally gave up after 100 years of trying!

Quietly thinking about money in a local park.  All around me stood tall trees of various species. I started to see a lesson right before me . Something about the trees called to my inner nature child.

1. Trees have multiple roots, leaves and branches. Conventional wisdom says that to have one source of income is a weakness. What happens if that single source of income is lost and you have lots of bills to pay? Bedlam, that is  what.
Imagine if trees had one big leaf to catch light and make energy. What happens if the leaf is removed, no more sugar. Instead they have thousands, all adding a little bit passively. 

Lesson? Have multiple income streams makes you harder to kill.

2. Trees keeping going even when things look bleak. They set seed and attempt to grow on cliff faces, and often succeed. 

Lesson?  Work with what you have and make the most of it. Be a force of nature that is difficult to stop. Make small increments of growth forward and outward .

3. Trees grow quickly at the start and then slow down.

 Lesson? Invest for high gains when young and then once established make slow and steady growth just like the rings of a tree.

4. Trees form symbiotic relationships with fungi increasing their range and nutrient gathering capabilities.

Lesson? Don't be a loner. Learn and gather what resources you can from people who have access to stiff you don't.  Give and you shall receive.

5. Trees takes chances in life. The perfect shape for a tree from a strength point of view is a cone of solid wood covered in leaves. It would be hard to blow over. However small and stable misses out on lots of light opportunities. 

Lesson? Take chances now and again. Being safe all the time is boring.

6. Trees don't heal they seal. When a tree is wounded it closes off the wound and seals it.

Lesson? Seal off problems and move on. Don't put to much effort into worrying about wounds in your finances.  Seal the leaks and move on to making more income leaves.

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